Note: all names published on this blog are pseudonyms.

Cycle # 3 Presentation

Cycle # 2 Presentation

Cycle # 1 Presentation


Putting Strategy Lessons and Good Readers Checklist in ACTION!

Click on the image to view checklist.

In this part of the cycle, I am going to implement the use of strategy lessons and a readers' checklist. I am hoping that these two actions could enhance the boys' motivation and accountability in reading. I am going to put 3 strategy lessons in action, as well as introducing them a 'good readers' checklist'. The checklist is a clearer and more structured tool for the two boys. Based on their daily behavior and reading interview, I realize that both of them more or less dislike too much verbal instruction. Each day, I will be giving them the checklist, and they have to write down their new goal for the day. With the 'good reader's checklist', they will be able to refer to qualities of good reading on their desk. The checklist, which also happens to be a list of teaching points for my strategy lessons can hopefully enhance the boys' accountability in reading by allowing them to see their daily progress and set new goals, thus, increase their motivation level.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Revised Entry

Calkins (2001) says that strategy lessons are mini versions of minilessons. The process is guided and explicit that helps direct students to good reading habits and strategies for critical reading. I am hoping that the strategy lessons that I will be teaching will become a useful tool to help to reinforce reading concepts. Duke (2004) also supports that; he refers to Pressley and Afflerbach that explicit teaching, and strategic reading help readers to develop reading skills.